How to Disable autologin feature in Windows 10
Sometime, we need multiple users in a pc but if some one kept account without password then whom so ever boot next time pc then it will automatically login to that user(without password). So if you are one who is fed up with this problem or for some reason you have to keep you unpassword protrct account then you can use below steps to solve out your problem: Steps for Solution of Disable autologin feature in Windows 10 First launch the registry editor: Press WIN + R , type regedit and click on "run". Navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\UserSwitch Change value of the key Enabled from 0 to 1 There's one more problem to solve: The user SYSTEM automatically changes the value to 0 . So we will disallow the user SYSTEM to change it. Right mouse click at registry key UserSwitch -> Permissions Click on...